If you've found your way here, you may already know that my name is Bill and I enjoy writing songs about God. If you did not know that, well now you do. I hope to be faithful with the songs I write. I'm not sure I know how to do that, but I think this website is a start. It contains the lyrics, chord charts, mp3's, even the stories behind the songs. And it is all free to you. So look around. Enjoy. And thanks for stopping by.
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The God of Creation Beckons Me

download chord chart // download mp3

The God of creation beckons me
The God of creation beckons me

(verse 1)
He is patient, but He is chasing
He is a stubborn, courting Savior (repeat)

(verse 2)
He has chosen me, He has chosen You
As the adopted sons of the new covenant (repeat)

(verse 3)
He has grafted us, by His own blood
In the tree of His own family (repeat)


The God of creation, the God who created the entire world and everything in it, the God we read about in the book of Genesis, the God of the Israelites, the patriarchs and the prophets, the God Who has always been, the God Who will always be, THE God, the one God, the only God, GOD...He beckons you and He beckons me; and He does so in an entirely personal and individual level.

Think about that!

Those of us who have been in and around the church for awhile have the tendency to forget how amazing that is. We have heard it so many times that we become almost numb to it.

But seriously, stop and think about that...

He chases us; He desires us; He has made the way for us to come to Him and to know Him. He is the sovereign over everything and He wants you and me?!

That is absolutely astounding. Its incredible. Its insane.

God, may we never take the truth of Your love and Your grace for granted.